Personal Coaching
Jon is an international racing coach with over 20 years experience. In 2012 he coached Lijia Xu to Olympic Gold..
As well as coaching top international sailors, he is the UKLA (the UK Laser class association) Training Officer and writes for Yachts and Yachting, Seahorse and The Daily Sail.
Examples of the services offered:
1. Train with Jon one to one: Jon sails with you (crewed boat) or against you (single handed boat) to help improve body kinetics, wave technique, typically spending the day addressing boat speed or boat handling issues. Jon can come to you at your home club (you pay travelling expenses) or you can come to him at Weymouth (no traveling expenses).
2. Group training: Jon works from a RIB (which needs to be provided) filming exercises and short races. Then there is a video debrief so the sailors can see what Jon sees and ask questions.
3. Evening talk. Jon talks to a packed club house on a topic of their choice, popular examples: Rules, Tactics and Strategy, Diet and Fitness.
Please call 07748 902679 or email for more details.